After all this time.
Thirty-seven years, to be exact.
And, with a push of a button, a flick of a switch, a set of backup thrusters, not used since 1980, have awakened.
Your thrusters worked perfectly.
Whenever we’ve asked of you, you’ve always delivered.
You—Voyager I and II—are two of the biggest inspirations in my life. You’ve given me hope, and promised all of us a brighter tomorrow.
Not because of what you’ve achieved, or what you, perhaps, might achieve in the future. But because of all the things you allow humanity to hope for.
I believe we will one day reach the stars.
I also believe that you will reach them too. Conceivably, before us.
I know you’re just metal, and a series of components and mechanisms. But to me, you are so much more.
I wish you safe travels.
I—the Great American Storyteller—bid you Godspeed.
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Magnificent Journey—The Odyssey of Voyager I and II is available on

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