Sunday, 24 February 2019

Autistic Consciousness—The Parallel Universes Between My Autistic Reality and The Conscious Observer

In my autistic ramparts, I’ve always felt safe.


Often, I resort to estrangement behaviors to preserve my perceived sheltered existence.  They allow me the breathing room I frequently need to recalibrate and face the coldness of reality with my own meaning of life.  It’s a defense mechanism that’s essential for my mental acuity.


I have not discovered a better way to “wire in” to my creative energy, for the purpose of fashioning a new world within my mind.


Contrary to popular belief, and even clinical inference, my autism doesn’t translate into the absence of empathy.  While the chief diagnostic signs of autism are social isolation, poor language capacity, and the lack of responsiveness and compassion, it’s because of my upbringing that I escaped the cruelest effects of its mental warp.


My parents were both genius level in their pragmatic methods of rearing their children.  Throughout my nurturing period, even into adolescence, I was routinely showered with affection, and physical contact was maintained.  Equally, my parents were not afraid to permit me to exist in my own way.


My beloved Father, a black hole alpha male, was capable of conquering and obliterating all energy from any room, person, or situation, but was kind enough not to.  My beloved Mother was a heroine, possessed with the dynamic personality of a zenith Etruscan woman, at the height of her independence, yet full of sympathetic caring and quiet sensitivity that immersed me in love and earthen purity.


In my dark, cold, autistic consciousness, I never doubted my Mom and Dad loved me.


It was this balance, between genomic composition and environmental reality, that saved my consciousness from certain doom.  In this equilibrium, my entire life has maintained a consciousness between two parallel universes that occasionally have collided.


They must collide because I am compelled to be a conscious observer.


Mine is a struggle to be a conscious observer, peering into both universes with a relentless spirit of worship that resists and annihilates any and all extremities.  From an enclosed autistic universe, I battle darkened enemies composed of spirit, mind, and flesh, in the uncompromising objective to breakout and seek the salvation of an unlimited consciousness, where guilt and death no longer control outcomes.


It is the universe of I am.


Releasing my fear and limitations, it is within my autistic consciousness where I create a better world that can only exist in a great and excellent state of mind.  In that better world, right strives to defeat might, innocence remains paramount to the soul, and love and truth control all fate and destiny.


In that special place, I am persuaded that no height, no depth, not even death, can separate me from the love of my God.


I can say this from the inside of the event horizon of my black hole consciousness, looking out, as well as from the outside of my event horizon.  If you have an autistic kid and want to make a positive difference in the course and direction of his/her life, I can think of one thing that can outweigh all disabilities.  It’s the same advice I’d give to any parent, regarding any child.


No matter how dark the road, no matter how hard the travel, no matter how far the destination, no matter how little or how much you can offer them in support, it’s the best advice I can give anyone.


Every single day, love your child.


Tell them how much you love them.


More importantly, show them.

Photos: Jordan Whitt, Wil Stewart, Zan Douglas, Kamesh Vedula


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Autistic Consciousness—The Parallel Universes Between My Autistic Reality and The Conscious Observer was originally published on Baltazar Bolado’s Blog



Sunday, 17 February 2019

State of Emergency—From Shutdown to Shot down, and The Latest DC Hypocrisy

$1.7 Billion


In a startling turn of events, the leftist/socialist/democrats came together with the RINO class of republicans to push forward legislation that added more to a bill they had previously said was cost heavy and wasteful.


Excuse me, but Congress whining about costly legislation is like Hannibal Lecter complaining there’s too much flesh on his plate.  It’s this kind of doubletalk and falseness that has led to our borders being unsecured after all this time, even as we continue to spend at an astronomical rate.


By presenting a bill absent of most of the money the president had sought to obtain to begin building a wall across more than 12,000 miles of unfenced open border, Congress succeeded in perpetuating their false crusade of fiscal responsibility.


Whether or not the president should’ve signed the bill is a topic for another post. What’s done is done, and the bill was signed into law.  My concern is the amount Congress settled on, and how disgusting their conclusion was to me.


Question: Why didn’t Congress fight their false crusade when the previous president was funneling out $1.7 billion to Iran?


The previous president and Congress feel it’s okay to release billions of dollars to a hated enemy of our country, but not invest billions of dollars to preserve the safety of our citizens.


Not only is it insanity, but Congress issued further insult by committing the exact amount—$1.7 billion—to wall funding as they did to a sworn enemy, who just so happened to unveil their Fateh “Conqueror” submarine, able to be armed with cruise missiles that can be launched from a submerged position.


Iran was represented as a peace-loving country by the previous president, which set the stage for him signing a peace treaty with them and releasing billions of dollars of frozen assets.


During the entire money transfer, the so-called money conscious Congress never said a word, yet now can’t provide funding so our citizens can have some security and safety.


No Need for the Wall, Crimes Rates Are Down


Many wall opponents say a wall’s not necessary because illegal alien crime rates are much lower than US citizens, and the areas mentioned by the president are low on crime.


This is an absurd argument, on many levels.


First of all, the term illegal alien delineates criminal activity.  But beyond this, what do crime rates, or levels of crime, have to do with keeping our loved ones safe?


Whether criminal activity is up or down, would you want to chance the health and wellbeing of your loved ones by not locking the front and back door of your home based on low or high crime rates?


I think we can all agree locking the doors to our home is the best approach to protecting our loved ones.  Taking unnecessary risks by not locking our doors is foolish practice.  Following this line of thinking, the choice of whether to secure our borders (lock our doors), or not, is an easy one to make.




Photos: Bruce Rottgers, Bruno Figureredo, Emiliano Vittoriosi



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State of Emergency—From Shutdown to Shot down, and The Latest DC Hypocrisy was originally seen on



Thursday, 14 February 2019

Kill Everything—An Earthly Soil Cultivation Toward Spiritual Life and Eternity

We are cancer.


Living inside of us, the immortal cells are not a mistake, nor even a mutation.


They are within us for a purpose.


Like fire, controlled they are a relevant and critical part of our eternal living existence.  Unrestrained, unloosed from the divine guidance of the original creation, they are deadly through, and because, of their aberrant, phony animation.


Cancer is a choice.


Perhaps not always a disposed judgement, often the result of deception, nevertheless, cancer is a creation of our doing, principally our ultimate conclusion.


The terminal decision to create immortal cellular material, while existing within a mortal vessel, is biotic suicide.


Partly, cancer is the mind’s defense against a hatred of a situation.  Worse, a self-hatred.


Cancer is also confusion.  The mind, in a state of bewilderment, initiates the manufacture of the immortal cells, absent of divine guidance and paradise’s law.


By preserving telomeres, the chromosomes translate healthy replication information, allowing for precise, accurate reproduction.


In recent studies, scientists studying the relationship of telomeres to cancer made an extraordinary breakthrough: the cellular action of autophagy actually promotes the death of cells, essentially preventing cancer imitation.


The idea and motive of cancer is to create another person—another life.


This new entity is manifested by the cancer.


Through the “new creation” action of redemption, the motive is to kill the “old creation.”  However, this teaching is a spiritual conclusion, not a physical one.


By this illumination, we can determine that cancer—being a physical, not a spiritual undertaking—is an earthly mission, not a spiritual enterprise.


With this truth, we are commissioned to make war against cancer with all our being, not to survive, but for a much deeper reason.


The cause of our war against cancer is to defeat cancer’s motives.  Left uncontrolled, cancer will attempt to make a “new life” outside the realm of spiritual law.  If successful, cancer will determine a different person, an imposter.


Jesus came to earth to conquer death and bring us life more abundantly. Therefore, we must live our lives, and be our truthful, most precise uniqueness and rare expression, not an imitation.  We must war to be and live who we are.


Jesus is the life-giver.


Cancer is a counterfeit life.  A lie.


Ultimately, the immortal cells are unleashed on a mortal body, prior to transfiguration, and overwhelm its ability to subsist.


In such an occurrence—when mortality provokes immortality—there can only be one outcome: physical and spiritual death.


Oncogenesis Transformation—A Precise Biopsy


If cancer is a choice, to reverse cancer, corporeal anti-progression and anti-development must become a truth, a way, and a life.  The definition of immortality.


Cancer can only be controlled when everything that is earthly alive within us is dead.


The mindset is to kill everything physical—tissue, organs, flesh, even mind.  To prevail against the “new person” attempting to take our place.


In spiritual Life through physical death, the spiritually reborn new creation takes the place of the flesh and blood old creation, thus leading to eternal Life. Likewise, in the corporeal, the defective physical cells, seeking a perverted path to immortality, must die if the immortal cells of eternal life are to be translated.


By killing everything physical, only spiritual life beyond the earthly can remain, and actual eternal life can take place.



Photos: Joel Filipe, Drew Hays, Ken Treloar


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Kill Everything—An Earthly Soil Cultivation Toward Spiritual Life and Eternity Find more on: Baltazar Bolado’s Blog



Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Coelestium et Terrestrium Prophetiae  –  2019 / I



SDF war reports coming out of Syria claim that Daesh is resorting to the lowest of all military tactics, using human shields.


Whether or not Daesh is using human shields, it will only prolong their inevitable destruction for a short time.


Daesh’s existence is on borrowed time.  While still dangerous locally, their sphere of military influence is virtually gone.


Strikingly, SDF’s mission in Syria is coming to an end and then their role within Syria will also be concluded.  SDF will not be tolerated by the Assad Government, any more than Daesh was.  Not only has the Syrian king been adept at using outside and/or opposed forces to do his bidding, both politically and militarily, he’s been flexible who, when, and where.


Observe a Syrian map and you will see Assad’s region of power has remained virtually constant throughout the war.


Lastly, lurking in the wings, Russia and the USA will not easily release their political and military grips on Syria.  Both super powers have been, and will continue to be, used by Assad’s Government to assist in the prosecution of the war, to facilitate social recovery, and provide a military/political bulwark for the coming Syrian king.

Ancient Chinese Secret


In a country of 1.5 billion, a million or so dissidents, or perceived threats, to the PRC are hardly noticeable.  In the days of Mao Zedong, murdering the nonconformists was the go to.  These days, rather than murder them, it’s more expedient to label them insurrectionists and bury them in a concrete and steel structure sanctioned by the government.


Through the years, methods may change, but Red China hasn’t.


The Xinjiang Region is a vast area, full of mountain ranges and various ethnic groups, including the largest, the Uighurs.


Tragedy can’t possibly describe the grip of terror loved ones must be feeling, considering the millions who have simply vanished into the measureless distance of the region. Without a trace, untold millions have dropped off the internet, and then, inexplicably, disappeared.  While such events have been common through the generations of communist rule, a new phenomenon has taken place.


Despite the threat of further reprisals for those aware of the circumstances surrounding the disappearances to talk to foreigners or the media, details have emerged.  Moreover, corroboration has come from many sources, including satellite images that show distinct new building complexes erected in the Xinjiang Region, bordered by binary fences and ominous guard towers.


Not that anyone needed proof of the ironfisted method of rule of Red China.


Red China’s iron curtain style of government is calculated secrecy in which the kings of the east believe they can defend themselves from the coming war storms in the west.


It won’t have the desired effect.


The coming wars in the west will pull them out of their Asian cave and lead them to the dried bed of the Euphrates like a light draws the moth to its intensity.

Damaged Heads


The once friendly status between the heads of state of Syria and Turkey has experienced much turmoil in recent years.  Understandably, the strain of war can cause many wounds.


Without a doubt, I’m convinced that the rift between the two countries will heal. If the healing is not enough to revive the warm relations Erdogan and Assad once had, then other circumstances will prevail.


The strategic importance of a close alliance is not lost on either leader, or country. Notwithstanding the strategic importance of neighboring countries holding close ties, the hostile region in which they exist dictates a reconciliation.


In the end, as a matter of survival, the countries will form a union not only between themselves, but will extend their alliance to include Macedon/Greece and Egypt.


The alliance that’ll develop between the four countries will not come easy.


It’ll be forged in the heat of battle, and be consummated through blood.



Photos: Johannes Plenio, Jeremy Perkins, Davide Cantelli, Stephanie LeBlanc, NASA–is-turns-to-human-shields-11199954


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The following post Coelestium et Terrestrium Prophetiae  –  2019  /  I is courtesy of Baltazar Bolado’s Blog



Saturday, 2 February 2019

Revolution—A Road Paved with Rebellion

President Trump’s election accomplished nothing in DC.


Elections never do.


If things were that easy than our Republic would never have been formed in 1776.


The spirit of Liberty is not easily held, especially when prosperity and excess take hold.  Greed is an overwhelming tonic for the tyrant, or in our case, tyrants.


The tyrants in DC’s political establishment—both republican and democrat—are the enemies of the state.  They have betrayed our trust  too many times in our past, and will go on betraying us.


For as long as we allow it.


President Trump isn’t the savior of our Republic, nor is any other politician in DC, past or present.


The Republic of the United States is based on the simple idea that took hold in the minds of the humble, unassuming farmers who tilled the unrestrained land by the River Tiber.  Thus, if our Republic is modeled after the Roman Republic in antiquity, then we must look to it to guide us now in our time of need.


The energy and triumph of Liberty does not reside within the finite depth of one single person.  It inhabits the minds and hearts of those who dare to believe in the idea that they are free.


President Trump is important to our cause to take up the standard of Liberty, but he is a simple vessel.  The idea of Liberty cannot be made so small as to be contained inside a single container.


We—the US Citizens who still risk achievement and capital in our quest to be free—are the spirit of Liberty.  Ours are the shoulders who can bear the brunt of the evil that confronts our country today.


Our visions, our thoughts, our ideas are possessed with the strength to defeat the monstrous immorality that has overtaken our Republic.


The arena of ideas is the where Liberty is grounded.  Yet, at the heart of Liberty, a danger resides. Unlike other ideologies, Liberty welcomes the unrestricted exchange of other ideas contrary to its own.  This gives rise to enemies of Liberty tolerated to disseminate information (false or otherwise), which can advertise foreign ideas and philosophies contrary to Liberty, and that can be malignant to the culture of our Republic.


This is all fine and good, but it is not what we are faced with today.


Because of improper vetting, coupled with the failure to mandate proper immigrant assimilation, many foreign ideas and practices are allowed to take precedence over the USA culture our Republic was founded upon. This leads to extreme dangers wherein there arise “false prophets” and “indoctrination groups” whose primary focus is to undermine the very precepts of Liberty our Founders originally intended.


Look around and observe the relics of long ago reminding us how Liberty is acquired and kept.  Liberty is/was to be preserved to attain a glorious demonstrative expression.


The expression of happiness.


If you are happy, and have attained your happiness lawfully through your hard work, this message is not for you.  I wish you Godspeed.


However, I, for one, am not happy.  For I see a heavy sinister yoke of oppression upon the shoulders of my fellow citizens.  It is not the burden of private inequality, a social affliction that time and generations can endeavor to correct.  No, the burden I witness is far more sinister and cruel.


The career politician, who seeks to milk and bleed the citizens in a warped, deviant grab for power and riches is a hideous aberration that hurts the very notion of egalitarianism and destroys the fabric of freedom.


We are left with only one choice if we are to move forward and survive as a nation.




President Thomas Jefferson said: “Every generation needs a new revolution.”


Let us found our revolution on the basis of Common Sense, that government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.


If Thomas Paine observed this in our country’s infancy, how can so many be blind to this fact now?


Each and every one of us is a conduit to Liberty’s soul.  All of us must be united in the idea of liberty, above all else.


I care not about your ideology—I care only about your love for our Republic.


Our country must come first.  The life of our Republic must be preserved.


And we—the citizens—are its saviors.


The road of Revolution is paved with rebellion.  It is its most vital exchange.


Only when we have liberated all citizens from the yoke and oppression of a corrupt government can we all be truly free, and happy.



Photos: Valentin Salja


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The article Revolution—A Road Paved with Rebellion is courtesy of baltazarbolado

